Feb 28, 2021
I'm Brian. And I'm Kevin. And we're the Horror Guys!
This week we’ll be watching some more classics. We'll begin with “Amityville: The Evil Escapes” from 1989, have a not-so fun holiday with “Mother’s Day” from 2010, get smaller with “Dr. Cyclops” from 1940, and go to ancient...
Feb 27, 2021
I'm Brian. And I'm Kevin. And we're the Horror Guys!
This week we’ll be watching some more classics. We'll begin with “The Island of Lost Souls” from way back in 1932, jump forward a few decades with “The Incredible Shrinking Man” from 1957, move into the modern age with “The...
Feb 17, 2021
I'm Brian. And I'm Kevin. And we're the Horror Guys!
This week we’ll be watching some more classics. We'll begin with “The Wolf of Snow Hollow,” watch “Creepshow Holiday Special,” the “Host,” and “Breakdown” All from 2020. We’ll also watch “Day of the Pigs” a 2020 short...
Feb 7, 2021
I'm Brian. And I'm Kevin. And we're the Horror Guys!
This week we’ll be watching Brian and Kevin’s four all-time favorite horror films. We'll begin with the original “Nightmare on Elm Street” from 1984, “Alien” from 1979, “Hellraiser” from 1987, and the original “The Thing”...